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Similar Initiatives

DeVulgare is neither the first nor the last initiative in favor of local languages. There are many realities that deal with preserving this priceless heritage. Unfortunately, this 'galaxy' of projects and associations is often fragmented and confused. DeVulgare also wants to try to join forces, in order to address the problem of preservation and dissemination more effectively. On this page, which is updated regularly, you will find links to other initiatives. If one is missing that you know of, let us know!


Click on each image to find out more!

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La Chambra d'Oc is a cultural association whose main purpose is the protection, promotion and dissemination of the Occitan, Franco-Provençal and French languages. He actively collaborates with Municipalities, Union of Municipalities, Metropolitan City of Turin, Piedmont Region for the application of Law 482 of 1999 "Rules for the protection of historical linguistic minorities" on three main areas of intervention: Language Helpdesks, Training, Promotion of culture . 


The Cademia Siciliana (Sicilian Academy in Italian) is a non-profit organization founded at the end of 2016.

Its mission is research, education and activism in, on and for the Sicilian language. Its notoriety is due to the numerous projects, from the spelling standardization of the Sicilian, to the Gboard keyboards for Android and the creation of the Sicilian version of the famous Telegram app.

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The most immediate purpose of the site consists in the possibility of listening to oral documents in the various Romagna dialects. In fact, the site hosts the recordings of the readings of numerous authors from Romagna, and provides links to many audiovisual documents available on the Internet.
The site was then mainly designed to become the multimedia complement of a research on the territory that intends to create a mapping of the Romagna dialects.

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The laboratory, currently under the responsibility of  Antonio Romano , professor at the Department of Languages and Letters Str. And Culture Mod., Was inaugurated in 2006. It was established starting from the_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ purchased instruments  da  Arturo Genre _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d years for teaching and research from the 70's and 90's new devices and software acquired in the course of various projects. The laboratory has inherited and enriched itself with a growing collection of spoken materials recorded or transferred over the years by its members. Some of these are available in digital format and are waiting to be accepted on the site.



The laboratory, currently under the responsibility of  Antonio Romano , professor at the Department of Languages and Letters Str. And Culture Mod., Was inaugurated in 2006. It was established starting from the_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ purchased instruments  da  Arturo Genre _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d years for teaching and research from the 70's and 90's new devices and software acquired in the course of various projects. The laboratory has inherited and enriched itself with a growing collection of spoken materials recorded or transferred over the years by its members. Some of these are available in digital format and are waiting to be accepted on the site.


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The first Bolognese Internet site, dedicated to all Bolognese citizens, rural and mountain people, as well as linguists and foreigners who want to know more, as well as of course the Bolognese who have forgotten the language of their ancestors but want to relearn it!


The "Atlante Linguistico Italiano" (ALI) is an ordered and systematic collection of maps on which are reproduced, for each Italian location explored (called "Punto"), the corresponding dialectal translations of a concept, a notion or a phrase , collected from the hands of the speakers by one or more binders.


Collection of current dialect data in all regions of Italy, use of electronic data carriers (DVD) and media (Internet) to make data available in the form of listenable wave files, transcription proposals,
therefore the possibility of comparing the current data with those of the AIS (Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz) and the ALI (Italian Linguistic Atlas), possibility of use in the classroom, complete and long-term documentation of Italian dialect landscapes.


A collection of useful links to various linguistic atlases of the Italian territory hosted on the Accademia della Crusca website.

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