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Province of Agrigento

* Translations and transcriptions are available when provided by speakers.


Some recordings marked with ** begin with the standard sentence translated into Italian as follows: 
"It has been raining heavily all week, we hope that tomorrow the good weather will come back ." In these cases the translation of this sentence will not be specified.

N.83: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

If you look so eagerly, you will find nothing.

N.84: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:08

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Save when the bowl is full, because saving is useless when it is almost empty.

N.85: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:04

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

The tree is wrong and the fault falls on the branch.

(If a parent fails, the blame often falls on the children).

N.86: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:04

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Man is recognized by the word he gives and keeps, the ox is recognized by the horns.

N.87: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Monks and priests listen to them as they say Mass and immediately afterwards break their backs.

(As long as the priests celebrate Mass, respect them, but don't trust them afterwards).

N.88: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:03

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

After the game comes the fire.

(Often it starts with the game but then ends up fighting).

N.89: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:03

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

If you look so eagerly, you will find nothing.

N.90: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:03

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Do not do good, because evil will often come back to haunt you.

N.91: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:04

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Do good, and forget it. If you do harm, remember the harm you have done.

N.92 Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

If you look so eagerly, you will find nothing.

N.93: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:04

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Try to behave towards your neighbor as if you were yourself.

(Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you).

N.94: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Anyone who changes the old way and embarks on a new one will probably find trouble.

N.95: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:04

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

If you look so eagerly, you will find nothing.

N.96: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Asparagus, mushrooms and crabs: if you buy them, you spend a lot and eat little.

N.97: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:04

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

When you get the bread to your teeth, hunger begins to come.

(If you start eating even when you are not hungry, the hunger begins to come).

N.98: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:03

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

If you look so eagerly, you will find nothing.

N.99: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

At home, dressed like a chicken (in a cheap way); out, like a queen.

N.100: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:02

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

Whoever divides also takes a part.

(That is, those who divide a material asset also take a part for themselves; or those who divide two litigants often also take part in the beating).

N.101: Angela (Menfi, Siciliano)

00:00 / 00:05

Registration date : 6/11/21


Translation  (of the speaker):

If you look so eagerly, you will find nothing.

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