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Province of Piacenza

* Translations and transcriptions are available when provided by speakers.


Some recordings marked with ** begin with the standard sentence translated into Italian as follows: 
"It has been raining heavily all week, we hope that tomorrow the good weather will come back ." In these cases the translation of this sentence will not be specified.

56: Teresio (Gropparello, Piacentino)

00:00 / 02:37

Registration date: 08/20/21


Transcription  (of the speaker):

An gh'é pö ad religiòn

After the mëssa in sal sagrä
gh'è du donn chi fann marcä;
i'hann taccä al solit buttòn
with dill great murmurassion.

The Cuncetta dis suttvus:
- Hip i prett i'enn vargugnus!
Dess the giran with the braghein,
i sa stiman and igh fann dein!

I g'hann lög a predicä
from and to cesa and from pray?
But t'al digh tant cmé un segrétt,
but in g'hann own mine from the prett!

Now po süccéda a fatt
ca in dla history an s'é mäi datt:
gh'è di prett with the murusa,
and the Cesa popped it up!

Peinsa a little, say: la muiér
will be the campanär,
and when pot of fiulein,
gh'è zà pront anca i ciarghein!

Par mé cöint la religiòn
l'è dvintä una cunfüsiòn!
Change tütt: mëssa, rusäri ...
gh'è pö fiss gnnan al lünäri!

Every poc sum prutestant,
i maltrattan hip i Sant!
When I saw it in sal giurnäl,
Madunneina, m'è vegn mäl!

Gh'è San Büs, gh'è San Gunella,
with San Giütt and San Tinella ...
Me i'ho seimpar prayed tant
and po im dìsan ch'i'enn my Sant!

Once in vanardé
eat cäran the pcä era;
dess instead, when i fam,
pöss mangiä cuppa e salàm!

Frësch cmé i fiur and vistì bein,
once i noss fiulein,
at seven years, with the ribbon in front,
par the Cresma i'eran ready.

Anca al Vescuv, d'un sarpeint,
parché mäi gh'é jumped in meint

from between forty-eight
and crësmäi quand i'enn giuvnott!

And the mëssa? mme an capiss,
igh fann dein by gran pastiss:
gh'è da lezz, gh'è da cantä ...
in ta lassan pö pregä!

Now po gh'è dill gigòn
ch'in g'hann gnint ad religiòn:
tütta stuff from cüratt
too mudéran and a bit da matt!

In dla cesa there is the fera,
par from iess in sla balera:
seint sang with the guitar,
gh'é pö ad fed, the is a riot!

Gh'era tant bell urassion,
coll nuvein and ill bendissiòn,
every party with I know cant
to the Signur and to tütt i Sant.

There was a lot of beautiful librëtt around
with pinsér and with fiurëtt ...
Dess i libr ad litürgia
after a mes i'enn da trä away! -

- I have a libar - dis amisa -
with the cuparteina lisa;
l'è zà vecc ', but al ma sa cär,
parché m'l'äva datt mé mär.

Pö changed the religion,
but it is a libar seimpar bon,
coll parol precìs, uguäi:
it is the gospel and it changes mäi! -

N.135: Stefano (Piacenza, Piacentino)

00:00 / 00:52

Age of the speaker: 57 years.

Registration date: 05/05/22


Transcription  (of the speaker):


Al giass al végna śù dal ciél

Al pär gièrra slé c'la falls in sal mé vidur
There is the sa trida cmé powder.


Gh'è mine a little a Signur from pray
Of campan chi sönan quand al ciél al végna scür.
Par fä a toch ill nüal
So much so you stare dill siśur chi täian un tabar.


Incö summ da par mé
The timpesta is a sgiafon in sla fassia.
Seinśa pudi cridä
But summ in feisbuch
It is the laich I bastan par viv.


Translation  (of the speaker):

WITHOUT CRY - Terminal Realist tribute to Franco Loi.

Ice comes down from the sky
It looks like frozen gravel falling on my vineyard
Which is minced like face powder

There is no longer a god to pray to
Or the bells that ring when the sky gets dark
To tear apart the clouds
As if they were scissors cutting a cloak

Today I am alone
And the hail is a slap in the face
Without being able to cry
But I'm on Facebook
And the likes are enough to live on


(Stefano Torre, 21.1.2021)

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